Latest From AGZ 20180816
20180812 Weekly Update
Whew! What a week! I got the daily Instagrams done, posted my monthly Vlog and had to work on a Sunday. (Did you know I’m employed?) Yup. Until you see my name on the bestseller list or a movie is…
20180808 Monthly Comic Vlog
Another 8th of August requires another comic vlog. Onwards! 🤠
20180729 Weekly Recap
Howdy one and all. The waiting game continues with my editor. I am still posting videos to IGTV and have begun the task of putting together the wording for trailers to my books already out in the world. (wish me…
20180701 Weekly Update
I hope everyone has had a good week. I had some personal time this last week and enjoyed some time with others, exploring new places and going to the fair. Needless to say the week has been interesting. I also…
One Seven
The New Year has arrived at last! All over the world, goals have been set and resolutions have begun in abundance. I have tried many kinds of resolutions over the years and have realized, (for me, at least) resolutions can…
Okay. Days, weeks and (yikes!) months have passed since my last blog and despite life’s trials and tribulations, the writing bug keeps following me. So here I am. Onwards! As a writer, TIME is one of the elements we must…
First Draft
Among the many nuggets of wisdom shared on writing your first draft, one is repeated on a regular basis that I do my best to agree with, but mostly see as a promotion for discouragement: “Every first draft is crap.”…
Writing a story usually involves dreaming up a scenario or event that prompts a hero into action. Sometimes, it is a group of people who are put into a situation that forces them all to deal with their own personal…
Questions posed to writers range from where they get their ideas to how they became writers and everything in between. One question in particular continues to come up regularly which I find difficult to answer. “Who is your favorite author?”…