20180902 Weekly Update
I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend filled with smiles and joys. There are many of us who work hard every day and look forward to the weekends and holiday breaks that come. It’s good to have a…
20180826 Weekly Update
A final August update before we conclude the month and venture forth into September. Hot days are now becoming tolerable and cool nights have arrived. I am adjusting to my new location at work and am still tackling the changes…
20180819 Weekly Update
The August days are winding down and the heat is slowly making its way below the triple digit threat. I took part in a hike recently that ended at Vulcan Mountain. No, I didn’t get to meet Spock or try…
Latest From AGZ 20180816
20180812 Weekly Update
Whew! What a week! I got the daily Instagrams done, posted my monthly Vlog and had to work on a Sunday. (Did you know I’m employed?) Yup. Until you see my name on the bestseller list or a movie is…
20180808 Monthly Comic Vlog
Another 8th of August requires another comic vlog. Onwards! 🤠
20180805 Weekly Update
August is well underway now. Heat is fast becoming a friend to us all. Cool zones are now a common search and for those who deal with paying for AC often choose to hang out in malls, libraries and coffee…
20180729 Weekly Recap
Howdy one and all. The waiting game continues with my editor. I am still posting videos to IGTV and have begun the task of putting together the wording for trailers to my books already out in the world. (wish me…
20180722 Weekly Recap
As the halfway point to the year comes and goes, I hope we all get closer to achieving every goal we have set for the year and close in on victory like a boss. Onwards! The wait for my editor…
Latest from AGZ 20180714
AlexGZarate Monthly Newsletter 20180714