20180729 Weekly Recap
Howdy one and all. The waiting game continues with my editor. I am still posting videos to IGTV and have begun the task of putting together the wording for trailers to my books already out in the world. (wish me luck)
One thing I want to do in the coming months is post a few Instagram pics with words about reading with pictures of… people reading. (shudder)
The problem? I don’t take people pictures. I take landscape pictures. Most of the time, it sits still waiting for me to notice so I can capture its beauty, but people? Therin lies my problem. I’ve contacted a couple of folks in Facebook, requesting pictures of their reading and even offered to pay for the images so it is not a request for free pix but I think I may need more. Perhaps I should do more than contact a few select people. Maybe contact a couple of groups for a contest. Pictures of readers with a top ten or twenty with various levels of rewards. Hmmm…
Another Instagram selfie this week. I was close to putting a different image when I realized, this is the mindset I am always embracing and trying to turn into my core. I took the latest pic I took out on the trails and tried not to reveal too much of my features. Who I am inside is who I want to share with the world. May we all discover the best of who we want to be and find a way to turn it into who we are in life. Onwards! 😊
There is no end to a successful mindset. When victory is attained, the search for a new challenge begins. Onwards! +
The latest FB fave reminded me of a little pet peeve I have. Too many people today are being tricked into having an “us vs. them” mentality. Whenever I see labels being placed on others, I struggle to keep my frustration hidden. I am always hopeful that the more we connect with one another the less divisions will be placed on us. I continue to watch, wait and hope.
Question: Are introverts the only ones who are really into books?
My Answer: I don’t believe in labels. They are usually done by people who want to group strangers into categories so they can make up reasons to discriminate. No one lives the same life and we all see the world a different way. So long as we accept that, we can find those we like without assuming the worst in others. Just sayin’. 🤠
My personal note this week is a renewal of my goals for the year. This last week I have pushed harder to go out hiking and increasing my activity. I’ve found many excuses why I have not lost weight over the years and why it is difficult to dedicate time to what I know I should do. This weekend passed with me being tired, exhausted and sun-drained. Closing in on triple digits out in the hills I explore make it easy to stay inside but I have fought those excuses and won. True, my skin is still getting burned, tanned or bit by hungry insects, but achieving goals mean nothing if there are no obstacles to overcome. May we all attain the victories that mean the most this year and realize we can accomplish anything. Onwards!
The image below? That’s a panoramic image of the top of the hill I found myself on this weekend. Body was hurting, skin was burning and I still couldn’t resist finding a way to capture the amazing view before me. The world is a glorious place. We should all take the time to look. 😊